9.7 The dual problem

Here, the equivalence of the maximization- and minimization- problem is explained. In the previous pages we have solved the problem of the household optimum in the form of a maximum, i.e. we have looked for the combination of goods x and y which maximizes the utility U x,y for a given budget B when the prices of goods are px and py. An alternative formulation would be to minimize the costs xpx + ypy in order to achieve a certain level of utility U0.

max x,yU(x,y) under the condition that xpx + ypy = B oder min x,yxpx + ypy under the condition that U(x,y) = U0.

The duality principle states that the solutions to both problems are identical if the budget B corresponds to the utility level U0. If the maximum utility level U0 is reached with the budget B (maximum problem), then the minimum costs to reach the utility level U0 (minimum problem) are exactly B and the respective optimal combinations of x and y are the same. This can be shown easily by means of the Lagrange equation systems.

Maximum problem

Minimum problem

Lagrange function

Lagrange function

𝕃(x,y,λ) = U(x,y)+λ(xpx+ypyB)

𝕃(x,y,λ) = xpx+ypy+λ̃(U(x,y)U0)

First order conditions:

First order conditions:

d dxU(x,y) + λpx = 0
d dyU(x,y) + λpy = 0
xpx + ypy B = 0

px + λ̃ d dxU(x,y) = 0
py + λ̃ d dyU(x,y) = 0
U(x,y) U0 = 0

d dxU(x,y) d dyU(x,y) = px py

d dxU(x,y) d dyU(x,y) = px py

Thus, you can see that the central equation "marginal utility ratio = price ratio" appears identically in the solution for both problems. And if the budget B corresponds to the utility level U0, then the respective third FOCs are equivalent as well.

(c) by Christian Bauer
Prof. Dr. Christian Bauer
Chair of monetary economics
Trier University
D-54296 Trier
Tel.: +49 (0)651/201-2743
E-mail: Bauer@uni-trier.de
URL: https://www.cbauer.de